Contempt for the chattering classes. For and Against: the language of marginalisation and ethnic cleansing.

Contempt for the chattering classes. For and Against: the language of marginalisation and ethnic cleansing. see them, circling. ? An unusual manifestation- so dark, so wrong, THEY ARE JUST PRETENDING TO BE SEAGULLS. Slaves to the will of THE LORD OF THE BINZ. (BLESSED BE HIS STENCH) Its far easier to kill people that have […]

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Home recording nonsense

The other night my 8-track crashed. Totally fucked. Everything ruined. All my endless hours of fumbling, mumbling and twatting around with different mic’s and set ups. All gone. It was pretty much useless shite anyway, some stuff has survived- which I managed to back up onto my 1TB media drive in the living room, but […]

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