SIDCA manage to play a gig.

well, well. It all went pretty well as far as I can figure out. Should have turned the guitar down a bit I reckon, that’s the first time I’ve played The Moorings and what folk say is right- it sounds great- the other band that played after us Johnny and The Bomb sounded clear and loud- but not loud LOUD like in some places- I’m looking at you Cafe Drummonds! The infamous Drummonds wall of sludge. Yeah, I have no idea what the PA is like in Drummonds nowadays….. maybe it’s great. My mind is stuck somewhere in 2004. Old age, and that.

sidca gig

Anyway this post is mainly for my own benefit- I never used to keep track of the gigs we used to play, I did keep the Occasional poster and stuff- and Darren used to take a lot of photo’s (back in the day of film) so I’m going to try and keep track of things on here. (tag: SIDCA GIG)

We played all this barring a song called “Curve off” which I couldn’t be arsed with. The order was pretty much the same, although we played TQOTMI first. It was fun, certainly better than playing golf or shite like that.


Here are some pictures Craig took. Nice snaps min:

The bit the bands play in is like a soundproofed box, so it was a bit wierd- Darren just didnae sound as loud as we do in the Loft. reckon if we do more gigs it will be places with just a Vocal PA, that’s the best thing for us. I mean, organising gigs? That’s the kicker- at the Moorings there was some chat about playing some other gigs- but we’ll just have to wait and see. My mind thinks playing Huntly, Elgin and Inverness would be great. Just to get out of the house…

We were discussing getting a PA for just playing in the Loft out at Glenburn, just kicking the idea about- and the other week we were at Captain Toms “Rehearsing” and they had a stack of stuff in the corridor beside the practice rooms for sale, just old gear that they were shifting- there was a PA head/amp bit for like 60 buck, but I wasnae that sure….It’s something we/I need to investigate a bit.

Here here. min.

I had a good time, stuck to beer and everything.

Folk from my work made SIDCA t-shirts, It was sweet- I told my wife about that, she was like- ” they must actually like you, what’s wrong with them?”…..funny.

Quality chat at the Moorings, Jan was a riot- and bumped into Binbag. Good night.

we’ll probably do it again.


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